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Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian mix of dance and martial art, which was developed by the African enslaved people when they arrived in Brazil. The name Capoeira refers to the (grama baixa) or low grass, the place where the enslaved people would practice their “dance”, which in reality was a disguise so they wouldn’t be prohibited from training to fight. It’s a mix of some ancestral fights like Batuke, Engolo and others. Capoeira is a holistic practice that increases flexibility, agility and strength. In the classes we are going to be learning a range of different moves as well as singing (learning some Brazilian Portuguese) and playing drums which are going to be helping us with coordination and rhythmically as well. The classes are taught by D’son. You are welcome to come along to the group and try it out!

Contact details


Phone number: 07508826034


If you have any questions or queries please contact D’son via Whatsapp or email.

Age Group

8-80 years

When and where

Fridays | 4:30-5:30pm in the Main Hall

Is pre-booking required?



£7 (drop-in) / £25 (monthly)
